For many, going on safari is a lifelong dream, a bucket-list item, a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You might not feel like that, and that’s alright. But there is something special about a safari and we wish everyone could experience one, even if just once.

So, if you are sitting on the safari fence, here are 15 quotes to inspire you to go on one.


1.  “If I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa” – John Hemingway

2. “Why is it you can never hope to describe the emotion Africa creates? You are lifted. Out of whatever pit, unbound from whatever tie, released from whatever fear. You are lifted and you see it all from above.”- Francesca Marciano

3. “The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa – for he has so much to look forward to.” – Richard Mullin

4. “If there were one more thing I could do, it would be to go on safari once again.” – Karen Blixen 

5. “Africa changes you forever, like nowhere on earth. Once you have been there, you will never be the same. But how do you begin to describe its magic to someone who has never felt it? How can you explain the fascination of this vast, dusty continent, whose oldest roads are elephant paths? Could it be because Africa is the place of all our beginnings, the cradle of mankind, where our species first stood upright on the savannahs of long ago?” – Brian Jackman 

6. “There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne — bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive.” – Karen Blixen

7. “You cannot leave Africa, Africa said. It is always with you, there inside your head. Our rivers run in currents in the swirl of your thumbprints; our drumbeats counting out your pulse; our coastline the silhouette of your soul.” – Bridget Dore

8. “He could tell by the way the animals walked that they were keeping time to some kind of music. Maybe it was the song their hearts that they walked to” – Laura Adams Armer

9. “There is a language going on out there – the language of the wild. Roars, snorts, trumpets, squeals, whoops and chirps have meaning derived over eons of expression…we have yet to become fluent in the language – and music – of the wild.” – Boyd Norton

10. All I wanted to do was get back to Africa. We had not left it, yet, but when I would wake in the night I would lie, listening, homesick for it already. ”– Ernest Hemingway

11. “In Africa you have space… there is a profound sense of space here, space and sky.”-Thabo Mbeki

12. “I went to South Africa on safari and came eye to eye with a beautiful leopard. We were so close; I was staring at him for a long time and I felt a recognition with my own nature.“ -Bai Ling

13. “Africa is mystic; it is wild; it is a sweltering inferno; it is a photographer’s paradise, a hunter’s Valhalla, an escapist’s Utopia. It is what you will, and it withstands all interpretations. It is the last vestige of a dead world or the cradle of a shiny new one. To a lot of people, as to me, it is just home.”– Beryl Markham

14. “I hope you have an experience that alters the course of your life because, after Africa, nothing has ever been the same” – Suzanne Evans

15. “…few can sojourn long within the unspoilt wilderness of a game sanctuary, surrounded on all sides by its confiding animals, without absorbing its atmosphere; the Spirit of the Wild is quick to assert supremacy, and no man of any sensibility can resist her.” – James Stevenson-Hamilton 

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